Sunday, April 29, 2018

Play Car Games That Are Educational And Great Fun

By Kimberly Clark

If you watch films it seems road trips can be lots of fun or a nightmare of disasters which end with you going over a cliff. In real life long journeys are just dull and the children get bored. If you have young kids it can be very difficult to keep them entertained and a good idea is to play car games to keep them occupied.

Toddlers and very young children will hopefully sleep for a fair proportion of the trip and be entertained by cheerful songs like The Wheels on The Bus. Teenagers tend to be attached to their phones listening to the latest music and keeping up with social media. Somewhere in the middle there is a lot of boredom and the inevitable Are We There Yet every five minutes.

There are many things you can do to keep the kids occupied on your trip. For journeys where there is plenty to see you can make a checklist for each child of things they might see. The child who ticks most things from their list is the winner. Tailor the list to the things you might encounter but require them to pay attention. Hunting for farm vehicles in New York might prove difficult just as a yellow cab in unlikely in Ohio.

Numbers can be fun and educational. Counting from one upwards try substituting numbers that divide by three with the word Lemon or prime numbers with Potato. Choose which to substitute depending on the learning level of the children. Spice up the game by awarding or deducting points if the person gets it right or wrong. Give bonuses for correcting another player or make someone do a forfeit if they mess up.

Try playing hum that tune if the family loves music. One person hums a few notes of a well known song and everyone has to guess the song. Make it harder by humming fewer notes or have a theme like themes from television shows. For those who are not so musical perhaps try describing the TV show or let everyone have a giggle at the bad singing.

Journeys on the freeway can be particularly dull. Miles and miles of road and cars and little else to see. Pick a color that is unusual like pink or orange and the first person to spot a vehicle that color gets to set the next thing to look for. It might be a RV or cow in a field depending on where you are driving.

Bad weather and holiday times are normally when traffic builds up and queues form on freeways and major roads. This gives the opportunity for spotting people as well as other vehicles. The options are endless, a man with a hat or a dog in the back. Either choose one thing per player and see who gets most or the first one to see something wins points.

Long journeys do not have to be dull. Make up things to play with the children and help them learn at the same time. Keep everyone entertained and enjoy the ride.

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