Friday, September 12, 2014

The Brass And Woodwind Sterilization Process

By Jody Leach

Players of wood instruments would be using their mouths in order to play these instruments. Now the thing about using wood instruments is that since one would be putting it inside his mouth, he is actually susceptible to harmful germs and bacteria that would enter. Because of this, one would have to regularly do a brass and woodwind sterilization.

Now when one would want to clean this thing, he would have to take note that not every part has to be cleaned. He only needs to clean one part of the instrument and that part would be the mouthpiece because this is where one would blow. Of course to do this, he will be needing the necessary materials.

Basically, there are pretty much only four things that one would be needing for this type of job. These four things are a bottle of alcohol, a special mouthpiece disinfectant, a clean cloth, and of course a cup filled with hot water. Now for the mouthpiece disinfectant, usually music stores would be selling them just in case one would need a bottle.

So the first part of the process would be to actually spray some of the disinfectant on a clean cloth. From there, he would have to use the cloth to wipe the mouthpiece all around and make sure that the disinfectant would reach all places. Of course he should also make sure that the disinfectant would even reach the inside.

The second step in the process would be to then pour some alcohol on to the mouthpiece. Now the alcohol is there for the sole purpose of killing all the bacteria and the germs that cannot be seen. So one should first pour some alcohol on that part and use a clean cloth to wipe it a little bit so the the alcohol will be able to spread around.

Now after that, one has to now get that glass that is filled with hot water and get some soap. After he has done this, then he should make sure that he would put a little bit of soap inside. After he does that, he should mix the soap and let the mouthpiece soak in there for a few minutes probably around fifteen.

After the fifteen minutes are already up, then one has to now rinse the soap off the instrument. Now he has to make sure to rinse it properly otherwise there will still be a lot of substances that would be left behind from all the cleaning. After he has already done the rinsing, then he may now wipe the water off and keep it.

So if one owns this type of instrument, he has to make sure that he cleans it this way regularly. This is done so that his hygiene will not be affected because reusing that thing over and over again without cleaning it will spread germs around. So he should probably clean it around once or twice in a week as to avoid any build up of bacteria or germs.

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