Monday, September 9, 2013

Arts Effect On Society Explained Briefly

By Helene Norris

Arts effect on society can be broken down into political, social and economic outcomes. A society that has artists will improve in many ways. This is because such professionals usually offer much needed stimulation. They challenge norms and reinforce new standards. In some cases, a new way of life can result due to a particular ideological inclination. After being exposed to creative work, someone can be inspired to do something. On the other hand, after exposure, an individual can begin questioning some aspects. Reaction of a viewer will be influenced by his academic background and past experiences.

The economic impact is quite obvious. Actually, some pieces normally retail for a lot of money. An entire billion dollar industry has been created around this niche. Collectors are making descent cash merely by disposing unique productions they acquired in the past. The process of buying and selling usually attracts taxes that are normally accumulated in the national coffers as revenue. Therefore, at the end of the day, a country stands to benefit immensely from an economic perspective.

The monetary side of the equation is just as vital as the other aspects. A scholar should not assume any issue if he wants to come up with comprehensive conclusions. Most enlightened people are willing and ready to incur an expense so that to acquire wonderful creations. This means that there is a ready market for the products of artists. Thus, they usually feel inspired to continue making wonderful items. A motivated professional will strive to improve his skills in a number of ways. There are many supporting enterprises that have arisen as a result of the profitability of this niche.

Art is a catalyst of social change. It has been in the forefront of many cultural revolutions. Over the centuries, very catchy paintings have changed mindsets of whole populations. A ubiquitous portrayal is all that is needed so that to reinforce a particular ideology in the minds of people. An ideological movement can result to, many positive effects. In the first place, societal lifestyles can be improved. Also, an amazing artistic piece can inspire the development of new fashion trends.

Ideological stagnation should not be the order of the day. What is required is the progressive advancement of knowledge and creativity. It should be apparent that old ways are slowly being replaced by contemporary methods. Painters are some of the professionals who can affect the consciousness of a society in a positive manner. They open the eyes of people in many unique ways.

The politics of the day can hugely be influenced by arts. A particular creation can stimulate heated political debates across the nation. A portrayal of a famous political figure can enhance patriotism. Actually, they are artists who played great roles in fostering national pride and identity.

Finally, past artistic productions will enlighten people about historical aspects. Thus, they provide answers to pertinent questions. Also, an old piece can make people to think seriously about the future.

Many authors have written about arts effect on society. This subject matter normally generates heated debates. It is advisable to approach this topic from many angles so that to get much needed enlightenment.

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