Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Characteristics That Play Writers Must Possess

By Etta Bowen

One of the best ways that you can express your ideas is through writing. Aside from being a medium of expression, it is also considered as an art that is only taken on by the most brilliant minds. There were pieces that became legendary because of the beauty and the message that it presents. And you can often see that it is successful because of the many adaptations, including film, that was made under its belt.

You need to have the talent and the dedication to write something if you want to gain success in this film. Another thing that you need to establish is the training so that you can hone the abilities that you have. Other than that, there are necessary traits that you must have before you can call yourself one of the play writers GA.

In writing a play, there are a lot of things to consider because it is far more distinct than when you write a book. One thing that you should make sure is that everything is realistic including the characters. It might be set in a different era or time but it should still be in touch with reality.

And you should also focus in the plot of the entire story. The structure of the events that is happening should be a smooth transition from one to the other. And there should be a clear distinction of which is the beginning and the middle. The story must revolve in the play alone and not have any kind of resolution that is out of the play or from reality.

Playwright is the name of a person who pens scripts for a play. Before, it was meant to be a criticism towards someone. Later on, it became something you call someone who has the talent and the guts to create the entire script of a play. One of the most popular playwright whose works like Romeo and Juliet are still acknowledge as of today is Shakespeare.

One thing that you must have to achieve the dream of becoming a playwright is the ability to critic your own work and the work of others. You must be able to point out what went wrong and how it could be changed. This would help you in making something that you can easily revise once you notice something unfeasible.

Since the main aim of writing is expressing ideas, you need to be able to express it clearly with the script that you wrote. You might be focusing in a particular genre but the message that is being sent to the audience must be clear. It can be quite a challenge because they would not read it but they have to see it.

You should be certain on what you want to achieve when you pen down something. There are those who want to tackle several issues in the society in a very subtle way. But the message is still clear because of the delivery and the way the script is written. Successful writers make people think about what they saw on the stage.

Focus is one of the key factors why others are successful on what they do. They do not veer away from the topic. In researching something that you can use for your material, you need to ensure that the topics you are reading are related to each other.

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