Sunday, October 23, 2011

How To Organize A Great Oscar Pool

By Callie Frazier

Oscars are awarded once a year at the annual Academy Awards at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood. The awards are shown live on TV all over the globe and many millions of people choose to watch at all hours of the night. An Oscar pool is a fun way of marking the occasion with friends.

The first step in organizing an enjoyable and popular party is to invite people to the occasion. Although the Academy Awards will be held on different nights, the nominees are usually announced at some point in January. Announcing a pool party at the same time will give people a month or so to finalize their selections.

It is vital that a realistic deadline is set for all ballots to be completed by. Organizing things on the night can lead to confusion and lost enjoyment so it is a good idea to have everything sorted well in advance. A fee that is realistic and excludes no one must also be agreed.

For those organizing a pool in the workplace, it is a good idea to email all of the rules, deadlines and entry fee details. This makes sure everyone has the relevant information and that everyone is invited to the evening. Forgetting to invite someone can cause a great deal of embarrassment.

There are several websites that offer free ballots for download. The next stage is to set out the categories to select from. The more categories there are, the less likely the chances of a tie. A full run down of every category can be obtained from the Academy's official website.

When organizing an Oscar pool, many people decide to give extra points for certain categories. Choosing the best actor may be very easy sometimes, whereas picking the best foreign language film is more of an achievement and should receive a larger reward. Someone should be assigned to keep score on the night and the total collected from entry fees should go to the winner. Some people may decide to split the money between first, second and third place, depending on how many people are participating.

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