From top network marketers, Jay Kubassek steps out of his comfort zone and make some changes to his life. The knowledge and experienced that he have in network marketing are the reason why he launched Carbon Copy Pro, a multi level marketing company in which it sells knowledge to the public on how network marketing works. He, together with his friends and associates created this company and with the increasing number of members, Carbon Copy Pro expand their scope and thus a e-learning course was born and it was known as the Pro University.
Jay didn't settle on with network marketing, as he also changed his interest in the film industry and he produced Aliquot Films. With film industry, Aliquot Films produced numerous movies and most of the genre of the movie concentrates on different factors of life. The first movie that was ever released was "Chelsea on the Rocks" where the scenes of the film were around the hotel "Chelsea" and the individuals surrounding the hotel. It is much like network marketing system wherein folks are struggling to have a better future for them. This film was then launched in one exclusive movie event, the Cannes Film Festival where Aliquot Films was recognized for their award winning film. After the success of Chelsea on the Rocks, Aliquot Films continue to reign over the independent movie industry and created several movies.
Jay Kubassek also love sports just like any other en do. He joined numerous race events like the most challenging and grueling race event, the Baja 1000 race. This is a combination of several automobiles like, atv, motorcycles and unified vehicles and the event will take for at least one complete day or so. Team Carbon Copy Pro, with Jay as the chief of the group, join this event and even obtain a crack of place in this race.
They have official time of 25 hours 7 minutes and 26 seconds that result in third place in the event and this so happen since they have difficulty on the onset of the race wherein they have issue with their radio, busted machines and tires since the track are different from the typical track that we know. Apart from Baja 1000, Jay also supported America's Elephant Polo team he is the chief sponsor of the team on their competition in Nepal.
With his tight schedules and left and right endorsement, Jay Kubassek manage to have extra time for other people who literally needs help, both in financial and emotionally. Jay was known as the great philanthropist since he managed to support different charitable organizations that help other people around the world. He then personality give support either in financial and emotional things and that's what makes him a better person. The life and success of every people cannot be count by how much money that he have in his/her wallet or how much account that he/she have in bank, what matter most is how people are able to help other people succeed and that's what makes Jay a better person.
Jay didn't settle on with network marketing, as he also changed his interest in the film industry and he produced Aliquot Films. With film industry, Aliquot Films produced numerous movies and most of the genre of the movie concentrates on different factors of life. The first movie that was ever released was "Chelsea on the Rocks" where the scenes of the film were around the hotel "Chelsea" and the individuals surrounding the hotel. It is much like network marketing system wherein folks are struggling to have a better future for them. This film was then launched in one exclusive movie event, the Cannes Film Festival where Aliquot Films was recognized for their award winning film. After the success of Chelsea on the Rocks, Aliquot Films continue to reign over the independent movie industry and created several movies.
Jay Kubassek also love sports just like any other en do. He joined numerous race events like the most challenging and grueling race event, the Baja 1000 race. This is a combination of several automobiles like, atv, motorcycles and unified vehicles and the event will take for at least one complete day or so. Team Carbon Copy Pro, with Jay as the chief of the group, join this event and even obtain a crack of place in this race.
They have official time of 25 hours 7 minutes and 26 seconds that result in third place in the event and this so happen since they have difficulty on the onset of the race wherein they have issue with their radio, busted machines and tires since the track are different from the typical track that we know. Apart from Baja 1000, Jay also supported America's Elephant Polo team he is the chief sponsor of the team on their competition in Nepal.
With his tight schedules and left and right endorsement, Jay Kubassek manage to have extra time for other people who literally needs help, both in financial and emotionally. Jay was known as the great philanthropist since he managed to support different charitable organizations that help other people around the world. He then personality give support either in financial and emotional things and that's what makes him a better person. The life and success of every people cannot be count by how much money that he have in his/her wallet or how much account that he/she have in bank, what matter most is how people are able to help other people succeed and that's what makes Jay a better person.
About the Author:
Jay Kubassek has passion for films. Because of this, he created Aliquot Films and started producing successful movies.
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