Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Art Theories Of Phillip Romero

By Kristen Waller

Art is a really essential part of humanities. Humans have been creating artworks through thousands of years. Such works could be found even during prehistoric times. Varied primitive drawings, paintings, and sketches have been created. Over the years, varied artistic trends, techniques, and styles have emerged too. Other fields, media, and artistic branches have been introduced as well. Since humans evolved, the art forms have also evolved. Phillip romero have always been fascinated in art. Such doctor have been an artist too. He created varied works which will aid in understanding the meaning of art. He published a book that discusses his varied theories regarding art. Know then more regarding such theories and how such theories would relate to people.

You should first know more about the author. Romero is actually a psychologist, writer, and artist. He specializes in family psychology, adolescent psychology, and child psychology. Being an artist, he made various connection between art, psychology, and human evolution. He used his training on psychology, personal observations, and meticulous research to develop theories. His theories connect art, evolution, and personal development. He stipulates that people make artworks for more important reasons than just personal expression. He uses Darwinian principles, theories of Buddha, and psychological theories to formulate his propositions.

He utilized his varied propositions for writing his book. Such book is entitled The Art Imperative. Such book explores the varied roles which art plays in human lives. Such book presents his varied theories. He utilized images, facts, and fact based theories for presenting his propositions. He also covered contemporary art, primitive art, and centuries old art for explaining things. He explored varied reasons which motivate people for making art.

He also tackled art's role in evolution. In Darwin's theories, humans evolve when they develop adaptability, resiliency, and acceptance of impermanence. People adapt so they can survive. He stipulated art as important in developing adaptive resilience. Ways for adaptive resilience can be enhanced, introduced, or inspired when people make art. They can develop vision, abstract thinking, and sharper thinking when they make art. This would then help them survive.

As survival can be affected by art, art creation should be really continued. Art making has been seriously lowered by inventions, processes, and technologies ushered by the modern society. Fear, apprehensions, and anxiety can be sparked by those technologies. So mindfulness, compassion, and creativity can be restored in this dark, cold, and cruel world, art could be used.

Art possessed a profound effect to survival. If people are compassionate in relations, creative in thinking, and mindful of surroundings, they could better survive. It will aid in developing plans, solutions, and strategies for addressing problems.

He showed how art could transcend too. Art could transcend cultural barriers, space, and time. People could universally connect to art. It will aid in developing meaningful cultural connections over the ages.

He believes that art can also help people in understanding themselves. People can make art to contemplate, show value, and to search authenticity. It can be used to search the truth, understand phenomenon, and show connections.

Phillip romero have truly made varied helpful insights regarding art. He elaborated how essential art is. It will be a reminder for people them to continue their exploration of creative possibilities.

About the Author:

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