Tuesday, August 21, 2012

How To Write Effective Comedy Play Scripts

By Rosa Koch

Like any other forms of writing, it takes a lot of patience and practice to write comedy play scripts. Fun ideas do just easily come to all people. There are those who can do it right the first time, while there are some who have difficulty in doing it right.

You can do it perfectly fine if you just follow simple rules that one must observe. The first thing that you need to determine is the kind of joke that you really want to impose. It is important that you just focus on one kind so you can avoid confusion. It will just hinder your audience to enjoy the story.

You should keep in mind that almost all comedies are based on reversals. You take the expectations of the audience and subvert them to make it more effective. This is one of the most important elements of comedies. Other elements are just additional things for the whole story.

Be specific in what you are trying to say. Most novice writers actually have a hard time in this. You need to use a very specific and well-known allusion of things that you want to relay to the audience. For example, if you want to say dog, it usually come out funnier when you say a specific breed of dog.

It is also necessary that you choose a specific location that seems very ironic for the story to happen. You should also state it specifically while the story is unfolding. Other important things include the props in the location that can be used by the character to make the scenes more fun.

A funny joke does not mean that you can use it anywhere. If it is not right for the scene, do not incorporate it. Do not push in putting it even if you know that it does not make the scene effective.

A good way of telling that comedy play scripts are effective is when you have some people act it out for you. Hearing the script being said out loud will help you develop a new perspective on it. It is also better if you do it along with someone that you trust.

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