Monday, August 20, 2012

The Messages Behind Spiritual Paintings

By Agnes Franco

The impact that Spiritual paintings make to the life of an individual depends on the beliefs that he possesses. To some Christians, they are prayerful, while to others they are more of a reminder about the life of Jesus. All the same, they act as powerful decorations in homes and churches.

One of the popular art prints is that of the last supper. As it appears, it summarizes the moments when Jesus is seen offering the disciples his body and blood. Usually, there are clear indications of the twelve apostles who sit around a table, paying attention to their master.

From there, the next category of drawings helps Christians to understand more about his sufferings and death. The ones which have much popularity, are the ones indicating the moments he fell down, got crowned with thorns and the last moments of his crucifixion. These are said to be the most sorrowful to the true believers.

An ideal one for people, who do not believe in prayer and angels, is that of the site at Gethsemane. In the scene, there is the presence of an angel, who appears to Jesus. In the same way, it is certain that the messiah was praying in preparation to the suffering he would face the next day.

Such art is available from different religious bookshop and art galleries. For those who might be interested, such are the places to find them. In all, they ought to be done by specialists in order to create much impact.

spiritual paintings are one of the most creative methods of introducing children to the world of religion. In the middle of excitement from what they see, they get to learn a lot. More so, they retain the memories of what they see and hardly forget it, a factor that helps them to learn quickly.

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