Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Learn More Details About Frustration

By Shanna McNeil

Frustration is a psychological term which is commonly used. It is a common term which refers to an emotional reaction against any kind of opposition. In most cases, it gets connected to disappointment. Moreover, it also gets closely linked to anger. You should also understand that it occurs when a person develops resistance against the fulfillment of his own will. This means that you can be greatly willing to achieve a certain dream or goal in life. However, if you fail to achieve them due to one reason or another, you are likely to get frustrated.

There are different degrees of the types of obstructions that may lead to disappointments. They may either be weak or strong. This also relies on the degree of your will to the goal that you wish to achieve. It may therefore be concluded that the greater a will is, the more obstruction is hence your higher chances of becoming frustrated.

The sources of these frustrations can arise from different places. Some of them arise from the external environment while others arise from the internal environment. Internal causes are due to personal factors while external factors are due to physical factors in the atmosphere.

Internal frustrations are usually caused by challenges that face people who have difficulties in achieving their goals as well as desires. They also arise from failure to achieve personal needs and drives, expected deficiencies for instance lack of self-esteem, and also being fearful of certain social situations. Furthermore, it might also arise from conflicts. This may be due to the presence of goals which are competing, thus interfering with each other. This leads to cognitive dissonance.

External frustrations are usually caused by the factors that are found outside the human being. Such factors include a difficult work to be done as well as heavy rains that deter you from doing what you are expected to do. Other examples of external sources of frustrations include wars, poor roads, and floods among others.

People behave differently in relation to frustrations. Some become very aggressive while others become quite passive. Because of the diverse means of reactions to these conditions, it might be quite hard to identify the exact cause of frustration. However, many people generally respond with aggression.

Mild frustrations as a result of internal factors usually motivate one to change the situation and correct the problem. This means that it is a positive force. However, failure to correct the condition in advance leads to pathological anger. If left unsolved again, it builds up into further anger, thus leading to irrational behaviors such as verbal or physical, or both verbal and physical attack against the barrier.

Frustrations have different signs. They include the urge to solve the essential problem, mainly in positive cases. Nevertheless, in negative circumstances, it leads to further aggressive behaviors especially when they are not resolved properly. Some people acquire constant refusal to attain their respective goals. That is usually known as development of sightless non-adaptive behaviors. Therefore, it is important to take in hand any kind of frustration in a more wise way.

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