Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Be Informed About Marlon Clarke Business Organization

By Lynn Beard

A marlon clarke business is said to be a system which receives from the environment and later on gives out to it. It is actually an open system since it works with the outside. It takes raw materials from the environment to make commodities which later on are sold back to the society. In simple terms it is an undertaking whereby people who are interested in making profits would come together to do activities to result to those profits.

The management is the powerhouse of the business. Ti is in fact its nerve center since all activities originate from the management. The management is involved in many functions towards achieving the organizational goals. They do planning where strategies are laid towards achieving those goals. They do staffing and controlling. The latter involves monitoring the activities done to identify defects and take measures to rectify. For staffing, it is all to do with employees starting from their recruitment, employment, and going up to promotion.

Division of labor and specialization, this involves breaking of work into smaller units and assigning them to individuals who are best suited. Every worker does what they are best at doing. This leads to more productivity as one gets to specialize in one area and become more productive. It also enhances creativity and indicatively. However monotony of work is a disadvantage and one may turn to be machine like hence losing craftsmanship.

Coordination is one technique which is very important. This refers to interconnecting activities and operations from different departments and also individuals towards realizing the goals of the firm. This ensures smooth operations of the firm and operations are enhanced. With coordination there is mutual cooperation between individuals and departments as well.

Division of labor and specialization are the commonest techniques. Division of labor refers to breaking of tasks into small units and individuals assigned to them. For specialization, individuals are assigned the jobs or tasks they are well suited. This means they can specialize on the same to increase productivity.

The two however are associated with advantages and disadvantages. They are beneficial in that they lead to innovation and invention since the person works in the same point for long hence more production. Working on a specific area also increases production since one improves out of getting used to a certain task. However it may lead one to lose their craftsmanship out of working too much on one thing like a machine. The monotony of work is also a demerit since one does one thing always.

The tasks can be categorized into different departments. Each department also does one line of activity. The different departments work based on their goals which they achieve towards of those the main business. The departments have their heads referred to as departmental managers who also report to the top management. For effective operations, these departments should coordinate so as to be in sync and not leave one behind.

Delegation of authority also does exist within marlon clarke enterprises. This is actually giving authority to junior staff so as they can make some decisions pertaining to operations of the company. However it should be observed since it is prone to abuse. There should be clarification of the organizational structure also with the employees knowing who to report to and who to look upon to in the firm in case they needed anything. Thus, business organization as a management function is very important.

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