Friday, September 30, 2011

Is There Excessive Violence In Modern Films?

By Riaan Carrick

Nearly every second film nowadays is crammed full of heavy violence. If you're into Brit crime thrillers, it incorporates the territory. It seems like the only real way to get involved with modern theatre goers is to appeal to their intense violent sides. Is the world really this violent, or are modern directors just lazy?

It looks many directors have been influenced too heavily by Scorseze, Tarrantino and the British Gangster film genre. The difficulty is though Tarrantino and Scorseze showed viloence with subtlety, comedic effect and it wasn't over lingering or gratuitous. There appears to be really little directing going on in a large amount of these violent stories.

The world is a violent place, and i certainly wouldn't want to live in the inner street areas these bleak, hard hitting dramas are set in. But I must ask the question does the camera have to focus in so close in all this action. Can nothing get left to the imagination. These films aren't scary, they are sickening.

It isn't a censorship area, only one of taste. A lot of violent films focus so much on this one area and appear to forget about adding a trustworthy story to the drama. In a lot of these films there essentially appears to be no semblance of a tale. It's concealed extremely behind the mayhem. There are so many nefarious characters it's tough to endear oneself to them or even imagine that these practical gritty characters could potentially exist.

Violence could be deemed obligatory in a tale. I've no problem with that. But when i see a story about a S.E.O marketing researcher who's a night time serial killer with no plausible reason for doing what he does, apart from he is a psychopathic malicious lunatic, it makes me sick. I've seen too many investigator TV dramas and crap films with this old story line, I could not care.

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