Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Importance Of Conducting A Clinical Pharmacokinetic Investigation

By Esther Salazar

Clinical pharmacokinetics research is a medical investigation on actual reactions of the human body upon administration of drug serum concentration. This is vital for approved drugs re-examination and for new drug applications submission. This is performed to ensure the appropriate use of medicines and obtain definite human pharmacokinetic information necessary for the progression of drugs being tested.

The clinical pharmacokinetic research is normally done by at least one or two qualified researchers with proven competence and expertise for the field. It aims at maintaining standards for quality, improving performance of usage and providing credibility of drugs. Upon investigational process, drug metabolism and excretion will be examined through linear pharmacokinetic one-compartment model equation. The data obtained in the process will be utilized in devising appropriate designs for necessary clinical trials where healthy volunteers are tested.

The study will serve as the groundwork for new drug development and post-marketing clinical trial. Evaluation and analysis of the safety and efficacy of administered serum will be used in determining appropriate use of the medicine to patients with certain types of diseases. Results are very important in therapeutic drug monitoring, a branch of chemistry that focuses on the measurement of drug concentrations in the blood.

The chemical and physical properties of drugs will considerably differ along with their pharmacological actions, pharmacokinetics and toxicity. This is why it is necessary for new and approved drug researchers to implement practical development plan so as to obtain foolproof evidence for both investigational medicines. This document may be unequally applicable on the drugs under investigation, though.

As for serum concentration evaluated through gene technology implementation, it is imperative for a researcher to follow through the principles indicated for safe calculation of biotechnology-derived drugs. Appropriate method necessary for the inherent substances of the drug must be used all throughout the study although researchers are advised to utilize any existing information for other relative studies.

Three primary parameters are investigated along with the chemical substance dynamics and the time profile; the elimination of half-life, clearance and distribution volume. Elimination half-life is a definite time in which fifty percent of the concentration is eradicated. Clearance is an amount of fluid that has been cleared out each unit time while the distribution volume is the volume with which the concentration is being distributed according to the measured concentration.

Being able to ascertain the distribution volume helps gauge the actual loading dose of a drug. Knowing its clearance can help indicate the safe dose rate vital in retaining target concentration. Furthermore, having an idea on elimination half-time gets researchers to identify the required time of drugs to blend perfectly in the body.

Compliance with good practice is highly necessary. The ordinance stipulated for pharmacokinietic studies must be critically followed in order to maintain safety of trial subjects as well as ensure scientific quality. This ordinance also protects human rights not just in the hands of researchers.

At present, clinical pharmacokinetics studies have had critical incremental progress especially in creating of dosage regimen design targeting tropical ailments such as chronic malaria. Also, crucial advancements have been made to create a rational design for the quinine dosage regimens.

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