Veteran director Karan Johar has been known to spend extravagantly on the films he directs. For his fifth movie, Student of the Year, the director has been rumored to have spent lavishly yet again. Till date, Karan Johar has directed four films, making his debut with Kuch Kuch Hota Hai in 1998, followed by Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham (2001), Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna (2006), and My Name Is Khan in 2010. While Kuch Kuch Hota Hai starred Shah Rukh Khan, Kajol and Rani Mukerji and was produced for a reasonable Rs. 8.33 crore, Johar went over-the-top with his next directorial venture Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham.
The only disadvantage in being from outside is doing filmy things. I'm not so dramatic and not comfortable doing over-the-top things. When you look at Shah Rukh Khan, it's not what he sings on screen, but how he sings too. He sings (lip-syncs) with so much passion and love. This was a challenge at least for me."
Also, the forthcoming movie will be Karan Johar's first without Shah Rukh Khan. Instead, the movie will star three newcomers, all featuring on the big screen for the first time including Siddharth Malhotra, Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt. The fact that the film packs no superstars could be one of the reasons Johar has decided to keep this movie short. On previous account, films produced by the director under the Dharma Productions banner have been crafted short, though Karan Johar himself has never directed a film this short.
This isn't the first time Siddharth Malhotra has faced a camera. Siddharth Malhotra was also involved in a film previous that however failed to kick off. He has also made an appearance as a child actor for the television series Prithviraj Chauhan. Also, the actor has walked the ramp several times for international designers including Roberto Cavalli and has donned the creations of Manish Arora, Manish Malhotra and Rohit Bal. Additionally, Siddharth has worked as an Assistant Director along with now-co-actor Varun Dhawan, helping Karan Johar for his most-recent Dharma Productions release, My Name is Khan, the fourth movie directed by Johar himself. Malhotra then got familiar with the director himself and Varun Dhawan on his trip to Los Angeles during the production of My Name Is Khan.
Karan Johar's Student of the Year will see Siddharth Malhotra play the role of Abhimanyu, a student at St. Teresa's High School, Dehradun, who enters a competition with Rohan Nanda (Varun Dhawan) and Shanaya Singhania (Alia Bhatt) as opponents.
The only disadvantage in being from outside is doing filmy things. I'm not so dramatic and not comfortable doing over-the-top things. When you look at Shah Rukh Khan, it's not what he sings on screen, but how he sings too. He sings (lip-syncs) with so much passion and love. This was a challenge at least for me."
Also, the forthcoming movie will be Karan Johar's first without Shah Rukh Khan. Instead, the movie will star three newcomers, all featuring on the big screen for the first time including Siddharth Malhotra, Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt. The fact that the film packs no superstars could be one of the reasons Johar has decided to keep this movie short. On previous account, films produced by the director under the Dharma Productions banner have been crafted short, though Karan Johar himself has never directed a film this short.
This isn't the first time Siddharth Malhotra has faced a camera. Siddharth Malhotra was also involved in a film previous that however failed to kick off. He has also made an appearance as a child actor for the television series Prithviraj Chauhan. Also, the actor has walked the ramp several times for international designers including Roberto Cavalli and has donned the creations of Manish Arora, Manish Malhotra and Rohit Bal. Additionally, Siddharth has worked as an Assistant Director along with now-co-actor Varun Dhawan, helping Karan Johar for his most-recent Dharma Productions release, My Name is Khan, the fourth movie directed by Johar himself. Malhotra then got familiar with the director himself and Varun Dhawan on his trip to Los Angeles during the production of My Name Is Khan.
Karan Johar's Student of the Year will see Siddharth Malhotra play the role of Abhimanyu, a student at St. Teresa's High School, Dehradun, who enters a competition with Rohan Nanda (Varun Dhawan) and Shanaya Singhania (Alia Bhatt) as opponents.
About the Author:
Karan Johar's upcoming movie, Student of the Year, stars newcomers Siddharth Malhotra, Alia Bhatt and Varun Dhawan. The trio plays the roles of students facing the highs and lows of teenage life and campus-relationships.
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